Re Leaf / レリーフ

レリーフ - 神奈川エリアで家づくりの相談を安心の¥0で。








「山安 ターンパイク店」は、商いを行う空間として成立させながらも、地域そのものが持つ「場所」の豊かさを高める試みです。敷地は小田原漁港からほど近く、背後に起伏豊かな蜜柑畑や史跡を抱えながらも、住宅や工場、高速道路、ロードサイドショップなどが混在するエリアに位置していました。近年、都心から近い小田原漁港に多くの観光客が訪れ賑わいをみせています。クライアントは「漁港からの人の流れを引き込むことのできる象徴性のある商業施設」を希望していました。そこで私たちは求心力と地域への寛容さを併せ持った建築を実現できないかと考えました。


写真/ナカサアンドパートナーズ 守屋 欣史

In recent years, there are many superficial and introverted franchise stores on the roadsides nationwide.
Although it will be more convenient, We are concerned that this landscape of uniform stores throughout the country may destroy the history and climate of the region itself.

The "Yamayasu Turnpike Store" planed as making the value of the "place" of the area itself, while establishing it as a space for doing business.
The "Yamayasu Turnpike Store" is located in an area that has three environments: the sea, mountains, and artificial. it’s close to the Odawara fishing port, and although it has rugged tangerine fields and historic sites behind it, there are a mixture of houses, factories, highways, and roadside shops.In recent years, many tourists have visited the Odawara fishing port, which is close to the city center, and it is bustling with people.
The cliantr's request was "a symbolic commercial facility that can draw in the flow of people from the fishing port." So We planned a single store building therefore with a market-like atmosphere, has both human centripetal force and tolerance to the community.

Since the site is connected on three sides, we covered the entire site with a large roof like a market so that people can easily approach from each direction.The outer circumference can be used as an eaves plaza, and the stairs leading to the dining room on the second floor have a space to make the plaza a three-dimensional and friendly space.And the huge wooden colonnades that support the large roof have a mountain range-like scene as a motif. By using multiple of these characteristic pillars, we create a rhythm like a fish bouncing and present the brand identity of "Yamayasu".This colonnade also plays a role as a structure. The pillar has a steel core rod passing through the main shaft, and is constructed by arranging a wooden frame around it. Where the pillar span is large, the diameter of the pillar is also large.The arrangement of the pillars is optimized so as not to interfere with the view from the roadside and the usability as a store. When you enter the store, due to the effect of the shape of the pillars with sharp tips, you can feel the space surrounded by large pillars while looking at the beautiful surrounding scenery such as the mountains and tangerine fields behind.

Photo/Nacasa & Partners Yoshifumi Moriya

延床面積 448㎡
完成年月 2020年